• 09/01, Dr. Madhurima Chakraborty joins our group as a postdoctoral researcher.
  • 07/24, Congratulations to S.-J. Huang (NTU) on succesfully defending his master thesis.
  • 07/15, Our former group member W.-H. Wu will continue his career as a PhD student in Rice University.
  • 07/12, Congratulations to H.-H. Chen (NTHU) on succesfully defending his master thesis.
  • 07/07, Congratulations to Y.-T. Chou (NTHU) on succesfully defending his master thesis.
  • 07/01, We welcome C.-M. Yang (NCCU) and H.-Y. Wu (THU) as summer research students.
  • 04/17, Congratulations to S.-J. Huang and L.-R. Chen for getting PhD admissions from NTU Physics.
  • 02/25, Our collaborative work on "Searching for Afterglow: Light Dark Matter boosted by Supernova Neutrinos" is accepted for publication on PRL.


  • 12/01, Dr. Soumya Bhattacharyya physically joins our group as a postdoctoral researcher.
  • 09/01, Yu-Ting Chou (NTHU) re-joins our group as a master student RA.
  • 09/01, Yi-Siou Wu (NTU) joins our group as a master student RA.
  • 08/31, Albert Tsai wins the ASIoP summer student presentation award.
  • 08/22, Meng-Ru Wu is awarded the AAPPS-APCTP CN Yang Award.
  • 08/01, Le-Ren Chen re-joins our group as a research assistant.
  • 07/15, Our group member Dr. Herlik Wibowo moves to York as a research associate.
  • 07/01, We welcome Y.-A. Chen (NYCU) and Albert Tsai (NTHU) as summer research students.
  • 05/30, Meng-Ru Wu is promoted to Associate Research Fellow.
  • 04/02, Our former group member Tony Liu will continue his career as a PhD student in Yale University.
  • 01/01, Dr. Soumya Bhattacharyya remotely joins our group as a postdoctoral researcher.


  • 12/15, Our group member Dr. Yen-Hsun Lin moves to National Center for Theoretical Sciences as a postdoc fellow.
  • 08/31, J.-A. Hsu wins the NCTS-TCA 2021 summer student program best presentation award.
  • 07/23, Congratulations to L.-R. Chen (NCCU) on succesfully defending his master thesis.
  • 07/01, We welcome J.-A. Hsu (PKU), Y.-S. Yap (NTHU), Y.-S. Wu (NTU) as summer research students.
  • 05/30, Our former group member Dr. Gang Guo moves to Chinese University of Geoscience as a faculty.
  • 03/15, Tony Gainyou Liu joins our group as a research assistant.


  • 09/09, Allan Sung graduates from our group and will continue his career as a PhD student in Princeton University.
  • 09/01, Shih-Jie Huang (NTU) joins our group as a master student RA.
  • 09/01, Shuo-Yen Chen joins our group as a research assistant.
  • 09/01, Dr. Herlik Wibowo joins our group as a postdoctoral researcher.
  • 08/01, Le-Ren Chen (NCCU) joins our group as a master student RA.
  • 07/01, We welcome C.-H. Chen (NTU), Y.-H. Chen (NTU), Oscar Ou (U. Washington), and W.-H. Wu (NTU) as summer research students.
  • 02/07, Allan Sung wins the 2019 TPS Undergraduate Student Thesis Award.
  • 01/13, Allan Sung wins the 2019 ASIoP Best Research Paper Award for Junior Research Investigators


  • 11/27, Meng-Ru Wu is awarded the Career Development Award research grant from the AS.
  • 10/08, Meng-Ru Wu is awarded as a NCTS Young Theoriest Fellow.
  • 09/01, Stephen Lien joins our group as a research assistant.
  • 08/31, Jordan Chen wins the ASIoP summer student presentation award.
  • 08/01, Dr. Yen-Hsun Lin is awarded as an AS independent postdoctoral fellow and will be hosted by our group.
  • 08/01, Dr. Gang Guo joins our group as a postdoctoral researcher.
  • 07/01, We welcome Jordan Chen (NTHU), Ansen Yang (NCCU), W.-L. Chen (NTU), P.-C. Kuo (NYMU) as summer research students.
  • 01/04, Our collaborative work on "Fingerprints of heavy element nucleosynthesis in the late-time lightcurves of kilonovaet" is accepted for publication on PRL.


  • 09/01, Dr. Manu George joins our group as a postdoctoral researcher.
  • 08/31, Allan Sung wins the ASIoP summer student presentation award.
  • 07/01, We welcome A. Sung (NTU), Y.-T. Chou (NTHU), Tony Liu (NTU), J.-C. Liao (NCTU), C.-H. Chen (NCTU), Y.-H. Chen (NTU) as summer research students.


  • 12/01, Dr. Huitzu Tu joins our group as a postdoctoral researcher.
  • 09/01, Dr. Meng-Ru Wu joins ASIoP as an assistant research fellow and start this group.